The terms and conditions of membership at the Alliance National Center of Alternative Communication „We Hear You” (NCAC) are described in details at the Statute (art. 15, 16, 17).
The following steps are necessary to ensure you become a member of NCAC:
- Send an e-mail to Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. addressed to the board of managers of Alliance NCAC "We Hear You" with the listed documents attached as follows:
- A membership form involving the candidate’s personal data, their motivation to become a member of the Alliance and the ways they would be able to contribute to the attaintment of the goals of the organization;
- Personal declaration that the candidate is familiar with the Statute of the Alliance and they agree to the terms and conditions listed in its decree;
- A letter of recommendation from at least two current members of the Alliance;
You will receive the decision of the Board of Directors within three working days from the date of submission of your documents. Then it is necessary:
2. Pay annual membership fee for the current year via bank transfer. The number of money transferred as follows:
- Physical persons – regular and associated members pay 30.00 BGN;
- Juridical persons pay 50.00 BGN.
Bank account details:
Account of the Alliance at UBB:
ІВАN: ВG46UВВЅ80021033957350
Holder: HЦAK „Hиe ви чyвaмe” (NCAC „We Hear You”)
Information available at: