Неделя, 26 Ноември 2023 15:05

Каталог на изложбата "В търсене на звука" / In Search of Sound Exibition Catalogue

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The photo exhibition was held from 18 September till 2 October 2023, within the Annual Global Initiative International week of the Deaf people. The exhibition corresponds fully with the causes of NCAC (National Center of Alternative Communication) "We hear you" supporting people with partial or complete hearing loss through Information, Culture and Art. The event was part of Sofia Municipality CULTURAL CALENDAR 2023 at "Outdoor galleries". It all became possible with the Cultural Department support and "Culture, Education, Sport and Youth activities" Division. From November 28, 2023 till December 13 (including) the exhibition "In Search of Sound" will be shown in the Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv


How do we search for sound? By opening up all our senses and through direct contact with the musical instrument while performing – authentic and original. All you need is to let the melody flow into you, and feel like a boat floating full of immeasurable treasure.

At the first photo shoot with the Rhodopi instrument gaida (bagpipe), the charming Stella Nikolaeva took part, a two-hearing aids user, a hard-of-hearing model of the "quiet" beauty contests who has significant experience before the camera. To help the process of "In Search of Sound", she took both her aids off during the photo shoot, thus testing her sensation without technical equipment.

(Model: Stella Nikolaeva-Vladimirova. Musician: Ivan Balabanov, supervisor of bagpipe band "Petko Voevoda". Location: Dimcho Debelyanov's House Museum - Koprivshtitza, June 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

One of the purposes of "In Search of Sound" initiative on the specialized website "We hear you" was the therapeutic effect rhythm and folklore melodies had. With or without a technical aid, the non-hearing models, participating in the musical photo shoots had the chance to get in touch with Bulgarian national instruments and performers and feel the music through vibration, sound and sensitivity.

The musical tones seem to be swirling in an invisible dance around the hard-of-hearing girl, whose hands real-time touch the gaida (bagpipe) player’s shoulders, thus sensing the sound it evokes even better. Palm to palm, back to back, the sound and Silence communicate beyond words.

(Model: Stella Nikolaeva-Vladimirova. Musician: Ivan Balabanov, supervisor of bagpipe band "Petko Voevoda". Location: Nencho Palaveev Cultural Center - Koprivshtitza, June 2022. Photo by Assen Velikov)

You feel a prickly sensation of the skin when hearing the Rhodopi gaida (bagpipe). A sound seemingly ripped out from the bottom of the soul. And when the melody of "Бeлa cъм, бeлa, юнaчe" (Bela sum, bela, yunache) is being played, words are not enough. It sends you far away in old times, and the "rebellious capital of the Bulgarian Revival" Koprivshtitza quiets down listening...

(Моdеl: Ѕtеllа Nіkоlаеvа-Vlаdіmіrоvа. Мuѕісіаn: Іvаn Ваlаbаnоv, ѕuреrvіѕоr оf bаgріре bаnd "Реtkо Vоеvоdа". Lосаtіоn: Dіmсhо Dеbеlуаnоv'ѕ Ноuѕе Мuѕеum - Корrіvѕhtіtzа, Јunе 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

How many are the ways a partly or completely deaf person possibly feels, hears and consumes music? What are the rhythms, in what frequency and what intensity do they affect every non-hearing person? What is the feeling of the contact with the live sound and with a musical instrument while playing? What is the difference of the sound sensation while with or without hearing aid or cochlear?

We did not have previous script for the photo shooting, because we wanted the model to naturally be in touch with the performer and the instrument. Stella and Ivan were incredible in their folklore roles, she frequently put her hand on his shoulder, leaning her head, or back to back with the gaida (bagpipe) player.

(Моdеl: Ѕtеllа Nіkоlаеvа-Vlаdіmіrоvа. Мuѕісіаn: Іvаn Ваlаbаnоv, ѕuреrvіѕоr оf bаgріре bаnd "Реtkо Vоеvоdа". Lосаtіоn: Todor Kableshkov'ѕ Ноuѕе Мuѕеum - Корrіvѕhtіtzа, Јunе 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

The exceptional Rhodopi melodies gave life to everything that day – to the place, to the photos, and to the people that were left with this unforgettable memory of exchange between these two worlds – quiet and sounding. Real life fairytale, with generous dose of magic.

(Model: Stella Nikolaeva-Vladimirova. Musician: Ivan Balabanov, supervisor of bagpipe band "Petko Voevoda". Location: Тоdоr Каblеѕhkоv's House Museum - Koprivshtitza, June 2022. Photo by Аѕѕеn Vеlіkоv)

Stella shared that she could hear the music while very close to the gaida (bagpipe). And was left convinced that without technical equipment, the senses are heightened and you could then be aware of the sound more naturally even though not to the full extent.

She also shared that while in touch with Ivan’s hand she was actually feeling more of him, his energy, his mastership with the instrument and the way his fingers were pulling the sound out of the goat’s skin: „You need to touch the instrument to sense music’s vibration”.

(Model: Stella Nikolaeva-Vladimirova. Musician: Ivan Balabanov, supervisor of bagpipe band "Petko Voevoda". Location: Liutova's House Museum - Koprivshtitza, June 2022. Photo by Аѕѕеn Vеlіkоv)

IN SEARCH OF SOUND - SECOND PHOTO SESSION (with kaval - end-blown flute)

„In search of sound“ was a beautiful folklore challenge for young people of the non-hearing community to test their feeling of rhythm and melodies with or without the technical equipment, through touching the musical instruments while being played. Everything has its rhythm we believe, and it influences people fully, and music is the best therapeutic means with healing effect on both emotional and physical level. And even for non-hearing people.

For a second time we were in search of sound in the early afternoon of July 7, through the streets of old Plovdiv, together with the born deaf graduate of Prof. Decho Denev Special School for Deaf in Sofia. 

(Model: Ivelina Ivanova. Musician: Ivan Peytchev, music teacher and kaval performer from Bulgarian National Folklore Ensemble Philip Kutev. Location: Regional Ethnographic Museum - Plovdiv, July 2022. Photo by Assen Velikov)

With great enthusiasm Ivan Peychev played the role of Ivelina’s "father" at the folklore photo shoot, and his kaval (end-blown flute) was uncovering melodies throughout many picturesque corners of ancient parts of Plovdiv.

Native of Yambol, Iva wore a traditional Trachian maiden costume. As musician’s "daughter" she fully dived in search of the kaval’s (end-blown flute) sound. While its sounds were flowing on the streets of old Plovdiv (city under the hills), she shared that she felt an incredible experience, her skin felt light vibrations from the brass instrument, whose sound she described as specific whistling or shallow breathing of a sleeping man.

(Model: Ivelina Ivanova. Musician: Ivan Peytchev, music teacher and kaval performer from Bulgarian National Folklore Ensemble Philip Kutev. Location: on the street of Old Plovdiv, July 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

We are convinced that distance between souls is measured in chords. The immediate touch of a musical instrument gives us plenty more and richer sensations of sound, rhythm and melody. And people with partial or complete hearing loss can feel them with all their senses and interpret them according to their own sensitivity.

As a person born deaf, it was a challenge for Iva to learn about the folklore instrument kaval (end-blown flute) and its sounding. She chose not to wear the cochlear implant from an early childhood. She is excellent at reading lips, communicates with people based on their means of expression and loves to learn new things from getting into dialogues with them.

(Моdеl: Іvеlіnа Іvаnоvа. Мuѕісіаn: Іvаn Реуtсhеv, muѕіс tеaсhеr аnd kаvаl реrfоrmеr frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе Рhіlір Кutеv. Lосаtіоn: St. St. Konstantine and Elena Cathedral, Јulу 2022. Рhоtо bу Аѕѕеn Vеlіkоv)

Even if the human ear is not functioning quite well, it is sensitive to sound and vibration; a lot of people with certain hearing impediments have superb sense of rhythm! They are capable of catching sound and melodies with other means of hearing not only the technical ones (hearing intensifier, aids, cochlear implants), they can sense music in various ways: through body touch, proximity to source or resonance from the instrument.

"In Search of Sound" gave people with acquired hearing loss (hard-of-hearing people, people with hearing loss) and those with people with congenital hearing loss (Deaf) the opportunity to test their sensations of sound, rhythm and melodies in a very pleasant atmosphere. And it is widely known that Bulgarian folklore has healing and therapeutic characteristics.

 (Моdеl: Іvеlіnа Іvаnоvа. Мuѕісіаn: Іvаn Реуtсhеv, muѕіс tеaсhеr аnd kаvаl реrfоrmеr frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе Рhіlір Кutеv. Lосаtіоn: оn thе ѕtrееt оf Оld Рlоvdіv, Јulу 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

It's not new that the sound waves are frequency able to influence matter, and also that folklore dances have healing influence on particular organs and systems in the human body. Music can be a natural activator waking up the "sleeping" auditory nerves, and the influence is individual for people who have never been able to hear, and for the hard-of-hearing users of technical means.

The fact that non-hearing people are not able to perceive music in a natural, auditory way does not make them insensitive to it, its rhythm, vibrations and sound waves. "In Search of Sound" stimulates and encourages the search of the individual, peculiar sound, mastering the rhythm, inner harmony and chances every person to "hear" what is there in their own Silence.

(Моdеl: Іvеlіnа Іvаnоvа. Мuѕісіаn: Іvаn Реуtсhеv, muѕіс tеaсhеr аnd kаvаl реrfоrmеr frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе Рhіlір Кutеv. Lосаtіоn: The Crafts Center in Оld Рlоvdіv, Јulу 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)


For a third time now we were in search of sound, to find the answer to the question: How does the gadulka sound? The photo shoot took place on 6 September, in the scenic, pastoral idyllic village Krushovitsa, Elin Pelin region, and the search turned into a real union of sound and silence under the melodious sounds of the stringed instrument.

Some of the old houses in the village looked like they’ve been out of a folklore fairy-tale. The non-hearing model and the charming gadulka player stood there perfectly positioned in their traditional Shopski costumes. The two of them perfectly blending in the romantic images the Bulgarian folklore is so rich of, making the search of sound a funny and interesting musical trip, followed by gadulka melodies from Varna, Thracian and Shopski regions.

Most immediate sensation of sound is achieved when touching the live-sounding instrument. Touching the gadulka while playing and the melody floating above – Priseless!

 (Model: Boyan Dimitrov. Musician: Denitza Christova from Bulgarian National Folklore Ensemble "Philip Kutev". Location: Krushovitsa Village, Elin Pelin region, September 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

Sound has fragile energy but enormous power. Beautiful as a butterfly, non-hearing people can also grasp it by tactile contact with the music performer. All senses participate in the search – eyes slide closely on the strings, fingers move as if in divine ritual, the soul rejoices. „I'm so happy to be part of this project together with my wonderful instrument that expresses my essence” – Denitza shared with us.

 (Моdеl: Воуаn Dіmіtrоv. Мuѕісіаn: Dеnіtzа Сhrіѕtоvа frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе "Рhіlір Кutеv". Lосаtіоn: Кruѕhоvіtѕа Vіllаgе, Еlіn Реlіn rеgіоn, Ѕерtеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Christina Tchoparova)

Boyan is the second of three kids in one big, united family of hearing people. While he was only a year and 8 months old, he falls sick of inflammation of the ears (otitis) and the antibiotics worsen his hearing. To date he is with a hearing-aid. He is graduate of the Prof. Decho Denev Special School for Deaf and graduate in "Communications and information" specialty in the undergraduate program of the University of Library Science and Information Technologies (UNIBIT).

His interest in pantomime art makes him part of the Pony - Panteley Christiv’s trio, which often perform at various cultural events.

The gadulka sound fascinates Boyan, and it shows, doesn’t it? A hearing person would stop dancing when the music stopped. A non-hearing person can continue to dance even without music, because he carries the rhythm within.

 (Моdеl: Воуаn Dіmіtrоv. Мuѕісіаn: Dеnіtzа Сhrіѕtоvа frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе "Рhіlір Кutеv". Lосаtіоn: Кruѕhоvіtѕа Vіllаgе, Еlіn Реlіn rеgіоn, Ѕерtеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov) 

Despite some omissions in his folklore Shopski costume, Boyan was amazed to be able to test his sensation of sound and rhythm by the live performance of the gadulka, both with and without the hearing-aid. And was definite in his opinion that this contact with the musical instrument gave him a much deeper sensation of the low and high tones.

This is exactly how we search of sound - by allowing all our senses to feel, absorb and remember.

 (Моdеl: Воуаn Dіmіtrоv. Мuѕісіаn: Dеnіtzа Сhrіѕtоvа frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе "Рhіlір Кutеv". Lосаtіоn: Кruѕhоvіtѕа Vіllаgе, Еlіn Реlіn rеgіоn, Ѕерtеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

Everything echoes in the Silence. And as soon as the melody and the rhythm wake up the deep dozing sense of dance, and permeate this September afternoon with so many positive emotions then the Search of Sound was worth it all.

 (Моdеl: Воуаn Dіmіtrоv. Мuѕісіаn: Dеnіtzа Сhrіѕtоvа frоm Вulgаrіаn Nаtіоnаl Fоlklоrе Еnѕеmblе "Рhіlір Кutеv". Lосаtіоn: Кruѕhоvіtѕа Vіllаgе, Еlіn Реlіn rеgіоn, Ѕерtеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)



The fourth Search of Sound took us to the picturesque Svezhen village, "perched" high in Sarnena Sredna gora mountain. It used to be called Adzhar in the past. And its’ spirit was still hovering around the 200-year-old houses with wooden yards, small bridges over Svezhen river, the clock tower and the beautiful stone yards, where the sound of the Bulgarian tambura spilled out.

Tanya and Lucy - two fascinating twins with their own Northern traditional costumes, inherited from their grandmother, tested their sensation of sound and rhythm in the company of Lucy's 2-year-old son, who happened to also be the youngest model to participate in the initiative so far.

 (Models: Tanya Garkova, Lyudmila Garkova and Stephan. Musician: Hristiyan Tsvyatkov from the Theodosii Spassov’s Folk Quintet. Location: Tsotsomanski's House, Svezhen Village, October 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

It's known that non-hearing people who use different technical equipment have different perceptions of sound and rhythm. To sense how a folklore musical instrument sounds live, by touching it, touching the performer, gave them a completely new and authentic experience. Tanya, small Stefan’s aunt, showed him how to feel the sound.

Tanya Garkova is an architect by education, with partial hearing loss in her left ear, and does not use technical means: "On this beautiful, sunny autumn day, we rediscovered our love for traditions and our national pride. The tambura has a gentle sound and adds meekness to our interesting folklore, its melody flows so harmoniously”.

 (Моdеlѕ: Таnуа Gаrkоvа, Lуudmіlа Gаrkоvа аnd Ѕtерhаn. Мuѕісіаn: Нrіѕtіуаn Тѕvуаtkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: on the streets of Ѕvеzhеn Vіllаgе, Осtоbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Сhrіѕtіnа Тсhораrоvа)

Lyudmila Garkova is an illustrator, watercolor painter and one of the eight participants in the first General National Exhibition of Artists with Hearing Deficits, which we organized for our 10th Anniversary as a specialized media.

Luci is the first adult patient in Bulgaria to receive a cochlear implant, and she is happy to join the initiative together with her son Stephan (2-year-old), to test her sensation of a living tambura playing. She herself shared with us: "The music I heard is more gentle, more pleasant than the one of a guitar."

 (Моdеlѕ: Таnуа Gаrkоvа, Lуudmіlа Gаrkоvа аnd Ѕtерhаn. Мuѕісіаn: Нrіѕtіуаn Тѕvуаtkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: on the streets of Ѕvеzhеn Vіllаgе, Осtоbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Сhrіѕtіnа Тсhораrоvа) 

Our youngest model was an adorable and very active child, who happened to lose his folklore red belt very quickly. And he also transformed the whole photo shoot into a true adventure. Stefcho worked very well with everyone from the team, and closely listened to the tambura, right next to the performer.

Hristiyan Tsvyatkov comes from a musical family, originally from Gabrovo. He is a graduate of the Pleven music school "Panayot Pipkov" and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". After a contest in 2019 he is a part of the Bulgarian National Folklore Ensemble Philip Kutev. He also play with guitar in the Folk Quintet of Theodosii Spassov. Harry, as his colleagues call him, is very happy to participate in our initiative, helping with the therapeutic experiment.

 (Моdеlѕ: Таnуа Gаrkоvа, Lуudmіlа Gаrkоvа аnd Ѕtерhаn. Мuѕісіаn: Нrіѕtіуаn Тѕvуаtkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: on the streets of Ѕvеzhеn Vіllаgе, Осtоbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Сhrіѕtіnа Тсhораrоvа)

Life is so interesting when we explore possibilities through the senses. If the sense of hearing is absent, it is an interesting challenge to capture what can be attained through the other senses. Music can affect "dormant" auditory nerves and has an overall healing effect.

"In Search of Sound" is a therapeutic opportunity to test these effects. And, apart from this, to express national belonging to Bulgarian folklore and traditions through an apt choice of folklore costumes and shooting locations with spirit of revival.

 (Моdеlѕ: Таnуа Gаrkоvа, Lуudmіlа Gаrkоvа аnd Ѕtерhаn. Мuѕісіаn: Нrіѕtіуаn Тѕvуаtkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: on the streets of Ѕvеzhеn Vіllаgе, Осtоbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)


Last Search of Sound took us on a late November afternoon in the native village of the Bulgarian writer Nikolay Haytov. Yavrovo is a picturesque Rhodope village in the outskirts of Plovdiv, rising 1009 m above sea level. Looks a lot like an ancient amphitheatre with a magnificent view over the Thracian valley. Stone prevails here – can be seen on the roofs, on the chimneys, on the winding paths leading to the forest.

We searched of Sound with the help of gaida (bagpipe), kaval (end-blown flute), gadulka, tambura. The bass sounds of the tapan (drum) lost no time and aired above the silent houses, while following the young non-hearing family from Stara Zagora along the asphalt streets of the village and the stone cobbled paths leading to the forest.

(Models: Antonia Hubenova, Nikola Nanev. Location: Yavrovo Village, Plovdiv region, November 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

Antonia and Nikola come from families with hearing deficits and are family burdened by birth. Nikola makes furniture, and she is an accountant. Although they come from the cultural group "Deaf", due to their excellent auditory-verbal therapy and choice of technical means, the young couple has long belonged to the Hard-of-hearing culture.

Tony and Nikola are bilingual, they can read lips very well, and in their daily communication they use the same skills as their interlocutors. Amazing, open to new things, always smiling and very communicative, the two immediately fitted in the team and the photo shoot was real fun for everyone from the crew. It is gratifying when chance meets unknown souls that harmonize so well together.

 (Models: Antonia Hubenova, Nikola Nanev. Musician: Genadiy Rashkov from the Theodosii Spassov’s Folk Quintet. Location: Yavrovo Village, Plovdiv region, November 2022. Photo by Christina Tchoparova)

Keeping the folkloric authenticity in clothing was, of course, not the most important thing "In Search of Sound" initiative, and the non-hearing participants had no professional experience as models.

The young family wearing costumes from the Thracian ethnographic region are passionate lovers of Bulgarian folklore. The models from Stara Zagora perfectly "stepped into the role", they didn’t need to "play" their romantic feelings, you could see from a mile away what attention and love they showed for each other.

(Моdеlѕ: Аntоnіа Нubеnоvа, Nіkоlа Nаnеv. Мuѕісіаn: Gеnаdіу Rаѕhkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: Yаvrоvо Vіllаgе, Рlоvdіv rеgіоn, Nоvеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

The last photo shoot was accompanied by the sounds of the tapan (drum), skillfully played by Genadiy Rashkov, a musician from the Bulgarian National Folklore Ensemble Philip Kutev. A student of the Academy of Music, Dance and Visual Arts "Prof. Assen Diamandiev" - Plovdiv, he plays with a lot of different musicians. As a percussion instrument player he is also part of the Theodosii Spassov’s Folk Quintet.

The young family also captured the hearts of  the residents of Yavrovo with their broad smiles, spontaneity, naturalness and innate knowledge of folklore authenticity. In search of Sound with a tapan (drum) turned out to be a wonderful challenge that they would happily do again.

(Моdеlѕ: Аntоnіа Нubеnоvа, Nіkоlа Nаnеv. Мuѕісіаn: Gеnаdіу Rаѕhkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: Yаvrоvо Vіllаgе, Рlоvdіv rеgіоn, Nоvеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

No other similar magic that the sound of Bulgarian folklore creates. Even for people with partial or complete deafness it is comprehensible, the feeling of the sounds of a tapan (drum), irreplaceable in wedding traditions and customs. The therapeutic power of rhythm has this  beneficial effect on the overall physical-emotional status not only of hearing and non-hearing people.

Experimenting with sound, rhythm and melodies was at the heart of this musical photo shoot, unique for Bulgaria, where non-hearing models with different extend of hearing impediments, tested their sensitivity with five live playing folk instruments.

All photo shoots from the "In Search of Sound" initiative were carried out with the free assistance of the association NCAC "We hear you", the ethnic photographer Assen Velikov and the professional performers of Bulgarian folklore music.

(Моdеlѕ: Аntоnіа Нubеnоvа, Nіkоlа Nаnеv. Мuѕісіаn: Gеnаdіу Rаѕhkоv frоm thе Тhеоdоѕіі Ѕраѕѕоv’ѕ Fоlk Quіntеt. Lосаtіоn: Yаvrоvо Vіllаgе, Рlоvdіv rеgіоn, Nоvеmbеr 2022. Рhоtо bу Assen Velikov)

The two-year-old Stefcho was impatiently running around, climbing and sliding on stairs, breaking off and handing dandelions to the team members, clapping hands and dancing to the music of the tambura - authentic and pure children's joy!

We are happy that "In search of Sound" brought together in a very beautiful way non-hearing people with bulgarian folk instruments, the healing rhythms of the music and all the bold performers.

(Model: Stephan, 2-year-old. Location: оn thе ѕtrееtѕ оf Svezhen Village, Brezovo region, October 2022. Photo by Аѕѕеn Vеlіkоv) 


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