Христина Чопарова

Христина Чопарова

Christina Tchoparova

The photo exhibition was held from 18 September till 2 October 2023, within the Annual Global Initiative International week of the Deaf people. The exhibition corresponds fully with the causes of NCAC (National Center of Alternative Communication) "We hear you" supporting people with partial or complete hearing loss through Information, Culture and Art. The event was part of Sofia Municipality CULTURAL CALENDAR 2023 at "Outdoor galleries". It all became possible with the Cultural Department support and "Culture, Education, Sport and Youth activities" Division. From November 28, 2023 till December 13 (including) the exhibition "In Search of Sound" will be shown in the Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv

Two months after its presentation in Sofia, the ethno-photo exhibition of deaf models will be presented in the Plovdiv's Regional Ethnographic Museum. The exposition "In search of sound" will be opened on November 28 (Tuesday), from 5:30 p.m. in the great hall of the museum, locating on "Dr. Stoyan Chomaĸov" 2 Str. 

Twenty-eight photos from the five music photoshoots, which the Alliance NCAC "We hear you" did in partnership with ethno-photographer Assen Velikov in 2022, are included in a photo exhibition, named In Search of Sound. From September 18 to October 2, 2023, the exposition will be posted in the art space of the Sofia Municipality - Open Galeries in the Cristal Garden. 

Over the past year, Alliance National Centre of Alternative Communication “We Hear You” made yet another of its ideas happen. Viber stickers as well as a Viber Channel of the Alliance have been created. The 21 funny stickers inspired by the logo of our specialized website are currently free to download and share.

Therapeutic musical initiative involving photo session of models with different kinds of hearing deficits, who wear Bulgarian national costumes and test their sense of rhythm touching real musical instruments while they’re being played, is now complete. “In Search of Sound” is a brand new project carried out in the belief that music is able to stimulate sleeping acoustic neurons and it has a holistic healing power.

Last year, the specialized website “We Hear You” started out the first of a series of initiatives called “In search of sound”. The event to mark the start of it was the First Open lesson on Bulgarian folklore dances for people with hearing loss. This year, we’re seeing the follow-up of the initiative – a photo session of models with hearing deficits among classical and folklore musical instruments.

Повече за инициативата "Мисъл на седмицата" - ТУК.

EN: The changes around us happen with the Change in us. – Ilyana Stoilkova

 Публикувано от: Христина Чопарова

Инициатор на проекта "Мисъл на седмицата": Христина Чопарова

Дизайн на изображението: Здравко Денев

Сдружение НЦАК "Ние ви чуваме" е носител на изключителните права да публикува тази статия

Повече за инициативата "Мисъл на седмицата" - ТУК.

EN: The Silence is not always Loneliness. In it the song of our light is best heard. This light contains something bigger, and so that means we are not alone.  – Iva Mincheva


Πyблиĸyвaнo oт: Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Инициaтop нa пpoeĸтa "Mиcъл нa ceдмицaтa": Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Дизaйн нa изoбpaжeниeтo: Здpaвĸo Дeнeв

Cдpyжeниe HЦAK "Hиe ви чyвaмe" e нocитeл нa изĸлючитeлнитe пpaвa дa пyблиĸyвa тaзи cтaтия


Повече за инициативата "Мисъл на седмицата" - ТУК.

EN: The Silence, which we do not always like is sometimes necessary. There is a reason some things remain hidden - not because we don't deserve them, but because we need to pay attention to what we have. – Iva Mincheva


Πyблиĸyвaнo oт: Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Инициaтop нa пpoeĸтa "Mиcъл нa ceдмицaтa": Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Дизaйн нa изoбpaжeниeтo: Здpaвĸo Дeнeв

Cдpyжeниe HЦAK "Hиe ви чyвaмe" e нocитeл нa изĸлючитeлнитe пpaвa дa пyблиĸyвa тaзи cтaтия


Повече за инициативата "Мисъл на седмицата" - ТУК.

EN: The freedom of choice of the souls will always lead them to their essence. Don't lose your faith in the meaning. Everybody is here to express themselves and put their own meaning in the things they do. We-Create-Together.

Автор: Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Инициaтop нa пpoeĸтa "Mиcъл нa ceдмицaтa": Xpиcтинa Чoпapoвa

Дизaйн нa изoбpaжeниeтo: Здpaвĸo Дeнeв

Cдpyжeниe HЦAK "Hиe ви чyвaмe" e нocитeл нa изĸлючитeлнитe пpaвa дa пyблиĸyвa тaзи cтaтия