Bulgarian folklore dances have unique rhythm that's able to create a specific atmosphere inducing a sense similar to absolute happiness and cosmogony, and have therapeutic effect on one's body tone which promotes health.
We believe music has a power of healing. Sound and rhythm could be sensed even through silence. Moreover, the energy of songs, dances and Bulgarian folklore dances (hora) could be the key to mastering one's silence. Our wish is to present the magic of Bulgarian folklore dances and their healing power to our readers and friends. Hence, we're hosting this event as we got yet another idea communicating with the renowned chireographer and Balkan folklore specialist prof. dr. Anton Andonov.
The teacher at the AMDFA in Plovdiv regularly gives open lessons on folklore dances suitable for beginner as well as advanced dancers at the Oroteka place. Prof. Andonov says he's pretty enthusiastic about giving this open lesson for people with hearing impairments. He admits this is going to be the first lesson of this kind he's given in his career as a teacher.
Vasil Todorov, owner of the Oroteka and DJ at the open lessons, gladly accepted the above mentioned idea. So, the event will be held at WePlay Club. All the readers and friends of "We Hear You" will be able to sense the magic of Bulgarian folklore and learn new dances during the 90-minute open lesson through its intriguing schedule.
Folklore dances are not something people with hearing impairments have never seen, but the former have only had limited access to them through the events united amateur artists have performed at. Hence, few deaf people have ever shown any interest in dancing. The open lesson our specialized media is hosting is the first attempt to include deaf people in such innitiative in an attempt to bring the deaf and the hearing world closer through folklore. We also hope such innitiatives will become a tradition in the near future.
Visit our event and bring a deaf friend or relative with you! They'll be able to sense the magical healing rhythm as well as open their senses to new experiences! You are welcome to share with us these emotions and explorations beyond the silence!
Date and time: 4th of September 2021, from 5PM till 7PM
Place: Sofia, 1164, boul. James Bourchier 76 (at the Bulgarian Red Cross building)
Price range: 8 BGN for adults, 5 BGN for students
Professional sign language interpretation will be provided at the event. More information will be published in an event at the our facebook page and facebook group.
Written by Christina Tchoparova
Digital banner by Zdravko Denev
English translation by Maria Mihailova